Wonder Drug for Chronic Conditions?

Health based researchers are constantly looking for the next big thing; the "wonder drug" that will help relieve pain and improve your health.  Well, it looks like many researchers have hit on the same concept, which may turn out to be the biggest "wonder drug" for individuals with chronic conditions.  Exercise.  Good, old-fashioned movement may be the "drug" needed to jump start pain relief and improvement of health.  Even better, "taking" exercise before chronic conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, anxiety, heart disease, and depression, appear can help reduce your health risk.  For arthritis specifically, physical activity can help relieve pain in stiff joints.

This is not a new concept though.  Physical activity has been promoted by health organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Arthritis Foundation for years.  And, for the past year, the Arthritis Foundation has been promoting that "Moving is the best medicine" through their media campaign with the Ad Council.  Click on the video below or here:

To learn more of the Arthritis Foundation's recommendations for how to reduce pain associated with arthritis, check out the website www.fightarthritispain.org.  To read more about the lifetime's worth of benefits from exercise, take a look at this article from the Charlotte Observer.  And, to take another step toward improving your health, sign up for a physical activity or self-management class here in Missouri; you can view our list of classes and contact information on our website, www.moarthritis.org.

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