Active Aging Week

We're one day into Active Aging Week!  This week, promoted by the International Council on Active Aging, runs from Sunday, September 22 to Saturday, September 28, 2013.  The theme for the week is "Discover Your Community".  What are ways that you can get out and be active within your community this week?  Suggestions to consider include:

  • Volunteer in your community at a local agency
  • Pick up trash in your neighborhood, or in the area surrounding your residence
  • Spend extra time with family, friends, and neighbors this week
  • Look for new ways to get involved in your community
  • Plan out methods for improving your health (have you ever considered taking a self-management course?)
  • Be physically active in your community (take a walk or start a walking program)
  • Check out a local cultural program

What is one thing you can commit to actively doing within your community this week?  Enjoy the week, and encourage your friends, family, and neighbors in being active this week!

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