Increase Movement to Improve Health

During the summer months, many people take vacations, either staying at home or traveling to a new or favorite destination.  It can be difficult while traveling to maintain a work-out routine and/or to get physical activity.  If you're on the go this summer, there are still ways that you can engage in physical activity. 

The National Institute on Aging at NIH has a "Workout to Go" available; you can learn more about it here.  The National Institute on Aging at NIH's Go4Life program focuses on the four types of exercise that each of us should participate in regularly.  Endurance, strenth, balance, and flexibility are the four types of exercise, that when done regularly and together, can improve overall health.  To learn more about the 4 types of exercise, click here

A great article in the July 2013 issue of NIH News in Health highlights the importance of healthy movement for the human body. 

If you are at home in Missouri this summer and would like to improve your physical activity, the Missouri Arthritis and Osteoporosis Program and the Regional Arthritis Centers (RACs) offer several classes focused on physical activity.  Check out a Walk With Ease or Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program near you.  Regardless of how you get physical activity, get out and increase your movement to improve your overall health!

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